Rachel Rivers • October 1,2020

7 Solutions to Fully Utilize your Website

7 Solutions to Fully Utilize your Website


Your website will likely be the first point of contact for many users and that’s precisely why it needs to be utilized to its full potential. A mis-managed website with outdated content can be a dead giveaway for customers to steer clear. Think of your website as an extension of your company’s brand and values. Think about what your customers want to take away from their shopping experience and how your website can provide that.

To get the most out of your website, we’ve provided a list of top features to consider utilizing on your own:

1. Text/Chat Features

In a world where the answer to every question is in the palm of your hand, people look for instantaneous feedback. A great way to incorporate quicker communication is to utilize Text/Chat features. These widgets can be added directly to your website’s homepage and connect an inquiry with a person right away. 

It’s important to note, you need someone at the ready to answer these messages promptly for the Text/Chat feature to serve it’s full potential. However, as long as you’re able to do so, this will greatly benefit your communication with potential customers.

2. Social Media Extensions

If you don’t already have your Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter linked on your website, now is the time to do so. Similar to how your website is an extension of your brand, so are your other forms of social media. These social accounts can help online shoppers build trust with your brand and stay up-to-date with changes. 

It’s important to remember not to link an old social account that hasn’t been updated in years. If it’s to serve the purpose of being informative and building your brand, an outdated social profile will most definitely defeat that purpose. It’s better to not include it, than to include outdated content and misinformation.

3. SSL Certificates

SSL stands for Security Sockets Layer and this is incredibly important to any ecommerce business.You’ve probably noticed when searching a website some begin with “http” while others “https” the ‘s’ stands for secure. This is a great way for buyers to ensure their personal information like online transactions, are being done securely.

 If any private information is gathered through a website like, credit cards, social numbers, etc… you will need to ensure that page is SSL certified. A quick search for “SSL Certificates” will provide you with many methods to help secure your data online. 

4. FAQ/About Us

The “About Us” section is often overlooked but I’m here to tell you it shouldn’t be. This is where potential buyers, advertisers, and search engines will pull information about your business. Your “About Us” page can include who’s running the business, your mission statement, your location, how long you’ve been in business for, and so on. This information can help your customers learn more about you and feel more confident when purchasing with you. 

A FAQ or ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section isn’t always necessary, but can be a very helpful point of reference for new and established customers. A simple FAQ helps to save you and your customers time on simple to answer questions. This section can impact the user’s overall shopping experience for the better while using your website. 

5. Reviews and Testimonials 

In today’s digital world, reviews can make or break a business. Including positive “5-Star” reviews on your website can be a major advantage in more than one way. These reviews can influence a customer’s decision on whether or not to buy from you or your competator. Customers can also use these reviews to judge the quality of your products and customer service. If you choose to include reviews on your website, filter them to ensure no “1-Star” ratings accidentally slip onto your home page. 

6. Digital Showroom 

An online showroom is much like a traditional car showroom at a dealership. Dedicating a page to your showroom can help prevent customers from clicking off your website to look elsewhere for similar products. It’s important for your website to be a one-stop-shop for interested buyers. That being said, if you’re able to order specific inventory from manufacturers, a showroom may be in your best interest. 

7. Visual Elements

As humans, we naturally prefer visuals over plain body text. Our brains tend to remember visual content much better and can retain it for longer. For example, a video on the home page or inventory photos are essential to your website overall look and appeal. Especially if you’re selling something you need to include high quality visuals to help buyers make a decision.

 Remember, if you plan to use images (which you should) be mindful that they are sized appropriately and of good quality. Logos are a great example of smaller images that need to be large enough to display on the website without showing pixels or blurriness. This can be said for all images used, but a poor quality logo on a website can be an especially big deterrent for customers. 

These 7 solutions are designed to help businesses transform their websites to be more user friendly and efficient. Tackle a few or all of these to improve the overall utilization of your website. It’s an easy fix to make your website a one-stop-shop for interested customers.

Rachel Rivers